About Us

Tim and Bobby French - owners RJ Green sealcoating Upstate, NY

Tim & Bobbi French (Owners)

 Tim French - next to a finished job

In 1950 Macel Frederick Green formed M Green Mason Repairs in Scottsville NY. His wife, Marion Green and Son RJ Green worked with him to "get the job done" and are seen above installing a blacktop driveway, known then as " coal provia" Grandma wore her work dress and drove the roller. 

In 1984, when the first generation retired, RJ Green formed RJ Green Sealing & Striping. In 2008, RJ Green Retired -- his daughter "RJ" and son-in-law Tim French expanded the business to RJ Green Pavement Sealing & Striping. Tim French Comes with more than 35 years of pavement industry experience.

Professional sealcoating, pavment repair professional

Nathan Novak (Son) 

old man RJ Green - over 35 years Upstate NY parkinglot sealing

 RJ Green - 1984

We have adopted many great dogs! Please contact your local ASPCA or pet shelter.